Licensed Master Esthetics Instructor + Educator

Over the course of four years and countless acne cases, Joy Kristy Welch Pfister, a licensed Master Esthetician Instructor and a guru in acne skincare, came up with a brilliant way to help her clients understand how and why the acne-clearing products she recommended actually worked.

Joy's secret weapon? She compared acne to a game, just like your favorite video or football game. And just like that, the "acne game" sprang to life! Every time a new client came in, it was as if a figurative light bulb lit up over their heads. They suddenly realized it was a showdown: Them VS Acne, which had its own team of troublemakers.

Joy stepped into the role of head coach, educating every client on how to spot those pesky acne players on their skin and which defensive products could conquer them. Picking the perfect defensive "products" was the winning strategy.

Now, it's your chance to have Joy as your head coach. She will offer you the same education and information used to help hundreds of clients prepare a formidable defense against acne and seize your triumph in the skincare "acne" challenge. It's Game On: You VS Acne! 🎮😁🏆

Would you like Joy to analyze your skin and set you up on a winning game plan? Get started here.

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